Tag: warpage

The Reality of Core Shift- Is this happening to You?

By Bozilla
March 23, 2022

Core shift is not always obvious or suspected Recently, Bozilla Corporation was called upon to investigate a part that was warping differently and more than expected The customer had a flow simulation conducted by a third party and the warpage results did not match the actual part data Sometimes part warpage does not match the flow simulation and in many cases, it is easily explained However, after a quick investigation, the underlying cause of the excessive deflection was not easily understood It was time for our Team to troubleshoot

(The animations and images presented in this article do not represent the Customers actual part file and is just an example of how core deflection occurs)

Core deflection fill time graph

To begin the investigation, we compared the floor process to the simulation, which is standard operating procedure They matched fairly well They are never a perfect match but were very close We then looked at the part data and tool design then compared it to the data utilized in the flow analysis The data matched This was good news because through process of elimination, we were nearing the target

We then began taking a closer look at the part along with the flow simulation results We noticed that there were long features extending from the core side of the tool that the polymer had to flow around and down The features were thin so they did not have cooling in them therefore it was suspected that these long cores were heating up excessively causing the polymer to stress relieve and therefore warp However, the simulation software accounted for this to some degree and we did not see a trend that suggested the hot core feature was contributing to additional deflection

Having a long history with examining many polymers and how they behave in varying geometries caused us to take a closer look at the differential pressure within the cavity as it flowed around and along the long core features We discovered a significant pressure differential that occurred on either side of the core We also learned that the polymer did not freeze uniformly around that core during the 2nd stage pack process Having differential pressure and non-uniform freezing threw up a few flags

Core shift pressure graph

We had to investigate the impact of the differential pressure and non-uniform freezing on these features We knew it was time for a core-deflection analysis The customer was fairly confident that the P-20 tool steel was robust enough to

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Can Gate Location Really affect Part Warpage?

By Bozilla
August 17, 2021

Based on part geometry, gate location(s) will determine how the polymer fills the cavity  If the cavity doesn’t fill in a balanced/uniform fashion, the internal stresses will be anisotropic- meaning non-uniform properties  So it is important to place a gate in a location such that the polymer flowfront fills the cavity at a uniform rate and reaches the end of the cavity at all locations, including weld line locations, simultaneously

With simple part geometry, identifying an ideal gate location may be possible by using experience and examining the part  However, with more complex geometry and gating limitations (cooling line interference, ejector pin interference, slides, etc), it is nearly impossible to determine the appropriate gate location(s) without using FEA(flow simulation)  Not only can FEA(flow simulation) produce actual deflection results(warpage), it can also provide data that is a precursor to warpage-such as volumetric shrinkage and frozen-in stress which is typically due to a response from forcing the material into the cavity while the material is trying to freeze

gate location and part warpage courtesy of sciencedirectcom

Gate location(s) will determine polymer orientation  Based on that location, it will ultimately determine polymer shrinkage  Also, different regions of the part will cool at different rates(regions of the cavity near the gate that were first to fill will cool before regions furthest from the gate)


Why is this important?  Because there are 3 major components that contribute to warpage:

 ✔ Polymer Orientation

✔ Polymer Shrinkage

✔ Cooling Effects


Shrinkage and orientation are both directly correlated to injection location(s) on a part as it relates to processing conditions  Warpage due to cooling effects is  based on the rate of how the polymer cools on one side of the cavity relative to the other side Non-uniform cooling through the thickness will create warpage

Because gate location(s) directly correlates to the contributors of warpage, gate location is therefore extremely important in the tool creation process and ultimately the quality of the part

The injection molding professionals at Bozilla Corporation have over 20 years of experience assisting OEM’s, Tier 1 & Tier 2 suppliers, and Tool Shops to create quality parts that meet timing and goals



About the author

Chris Czeczuga President Bozilla Corporation

Chris Czeczuga is a Plastics Engineer, Injection molding expert, Military Veteran and the President of Bozilla Corporation He has proven success with many OEM’s Tier

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